I'll let this Carl Pavano quote speak for itself.
"When you're down, you expect your organization to pick you up, not kick you when you're down," Pavano said. "I've had to pick myself up quite a few times the last four years."Have at it.
Newsday photo
You whiny little jock strap the Yankees gave 38,000,000.00 reasons to pick you up. While you sat on your butt doing nothing for the team!
Palease grow up!!!!!
To have Mike politically correct Mussina call you out really goes to show you how much of a louse Pavano was. Cry me a river you rich piece of rat dung. I can't wait to beat the heck out of you at the Jake. Prima frickin' donna
Joe says.....
Pavano whines,"I've had to pick myself up quite a few times the last four years."
Yes, and everytime you did, you pulled ANOTHER FREAKIN" MUSCLE, ya punk!! Go bitch to your CPA. Not that I'm bitter or anything.
Well with "Everything" Pavano has done for the Yankees who can blame him? He is a sure fire Hall Of Famer with his 4 years as a Yankee!
When do the Yankees retire his Number?
What does Pavano expect? A lot of his problems were self-inflicted. And he hid a couple of injury problems that contributed to his über long paid vacation. It's not like he came down with ALS and the team needed to have a Carl Pavano Day so he could bid farewell to the team and fans.
That aside, this was a long stretch of bad, bad pitching acquisitions Cashman made during all those "losing" (read: non-World Series championship) years!
Agreed with everything said. After being paid almost $40 million to do basically nothing, he should be grateful.
I absolutely hate the guy. He beats the heck out of us in '03 WS. Oh by the way, anyone remember in interleague play '03, when the Sox pummeled him for 6 runs and he couldn't even get an out? He has done more bad than good to the Yanks in his career.
Despite this idiotic statement by him, I actually did like his performance in the past couple of months of '08. If only he did that for 4 years, I'd be a little more satisfied.
$20 says he is mentioned in the Cy Young Conversations at the end of the year with the Indians...
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