"Now, what is this site about, how Joe Torre ruined pitchers' arms? Is that it?"
-Michael Kay, August 18, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009

'Controversial' Jane Heller denied advertisement

Friend of Scott Proctor's Arm Jane Heller recently wrote a book entitled "Confessions of a She-Fan." (I urge you all to buy it.)

Via Lisa Swan over at Subway Squawkers comes the news that Jane wanted to advertise her book in the Yankees' Opening Day program. It was set to have quotes from John Sterling, Peter Golenback and Swan herself. No big deal, right? Wrong.

Turns out the Yankees think she's "too controversial" so they "don't want it in the publication."

Page Six caught wind of it and quoted Heller as saying: "It's sad to have the Yankees so mad at a fan who writes about how much she loves her team."

This infuriates me. Sorry that you have to go through this, Jane!


Anonymous said...

For those of us who have yet to read the book, don't know the author, and detest gossip columns, could you give some insight as to why the team deems her too controversial..??


Andrew Fletcher said...

This is what Jane herself wrote on her blog this afternoon:

"While my book does have enough salty language to make a sailor blush, it's hardly 'controversial,' unless you count the night I begged my husband to follow A-Rod into a restaurant men's room so I'd have a funny anecdote to write about."

Charlie said...

Not a very good move by the Yankees, they seems to be pulling PR disasters left and right.

nutballgazette said...

There are plenty of posts on blogs on how the Yankees are treating the Long Time fans.
This one on New Stadium Insider and throughout the off season from partial Season Ticket Holders.
I Blogged about the New Stadium Insider and added Jane Hellers link to my blog with a very strong prediction in the last paragraph of my blog. It really pains me to read and write about the Yankees mis-treatment of the fans.

Drew Sarver said...

A fan do that stuff, but it's okay do drive drunk, go cocaine, take roids...they'll be glad to sign ya up.

Bronx Baseball Daily said...

The Yankees are a little sensitive to books these days I guess.

Unknown said...

This really is an injustice and the Yankees should be ashamed of themselves. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and would highly recommend it to all the fans of ScottProctorsArm. It made me laugh out loud - kind of reminded me of when I read Ball Four years ago. Anyone who reads the book will have no doubt of Jane Heller's love of the Yankees and her husband!

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