"Now, what is this site about, how Joe Torre ruined pitchers' arms? Is that it?"
-Michael Kay, August 18, 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009


I made an interesting discovery just now while looking up the pitching probables for the upcoming series: apparently all Tampa Bay Rays’ home games begin at eight minutes past the hour this season (7:08, 4:08, 1:08).

I know games in Toronto begin at 7:07 p.m. for some reason and Chicago White Sox games begin at 7:11 CT because of a sponsorship deal with 7-Eleven, but 7:08 is just odd.  Last season they began games at the more conventional 10 minutes past the hour

Does anyone have an answer as to why their home games begin at 7:08?


Anonymous said...

but 7:08 is just odd

you mean its just even. HAHAHA!

Seriously though, that is wierd.

Drew Sarver said...

It could have to do with the TV station their on. The Braves always had weird start times because TBS always started shows at 5 minutes past the hour or half hour.

Andrew Fletcher said...

@YankeesUpdate said it has to do with the radio stations and their top of the hour newscasts. Silly Rays.

She-Fan said...

I just want Wang to pitch like the guy who won 19 games twice.

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