I took almost 200 pictures of YS III today - some artsy, some for fact-finding purposes, some for memories, etc. Here are some bones to pick in regards to the various obstructions of the ballpark.
Obviously, much has been made about the bleachers in Sections 201 and 239. Fact is, they truly are awful if you're the last seat closest to the concrete wall. I learned that the television sets cannot move, however I have heard rumblings that Lonn Trost said on WFAN that more will be added. Can anyone confirm this?
Anyway, above is a shot of a television set sitting from Seat 1 in one of Section 201's row.

Now we're in fair territory on Field level. Due to the Main level's overhang, fly balls could get lost. Also, the foul pole blocks about home plate from an angle I previously stood in, but I guess that's unavoidable.

Here we are in Section 420A, Row 1, my assigned seats for the afternoon. As you can see, the Plexiglass and accompanying bar can block some of the field if you don't lean forward.

After settling down in Row 1, I moved all the way back to my section. The points from the bottom of the frieze actually blocked out much of the giant HD screen in centerfield. The above pictures were from a sitting position.

Early in my adventure, I entered in Gate 4, the main entrance. At first this area was open. Then they put up this black curtain to block the view. Thanks, Yankees.
All pictures were taken by me. Click to englarge.
The black curtain wasn't to "block the view," it was a wind screen. The wind was howling through Gate 4 today.
or maybe because if it wasnt blocked, everyone and their mother would of stopped there to take a picture, which then causes flashes, which then distracts the pitcher, which then causes a issue with the game..... but im just an pleased yankee fan who has come to realize that not everything can be perfect in life...
I could understand blocking it during the game, but this was two hours beforehand.
Nice pictures; You must have a great camera.
Trost with Francesa. He mentions adding TV's to the bleacher area.
Thanks, Charlie. It suits my needs, but it's not professional or anything.
Thanks, Mike.
If you're in the bleachers you can easily walk up and stand behind the last row or behind the centerfield seats above the mohegan sun bar. When I first heard about these obstructed view seats i was stunned, but after visiting and realizing you can move around and hang out in the cafe, standing room sections, etc, I have to say that they're totally worth the $5 people paid.
Trost w/ Francesa also mentioned that black screen - the pitchers were complaining they could see the traffic driving by, very distracting.
Thanks, Greg. That makes sense.
Foul poles are a bad idea for this very reason. Teams should all be using those strips of yellow netting which are at least mostly see-through.
420A (my section) is obstructed view for the whole first three rows - a similar situation to Citi Field's. Yet with the bleacher disaster, this gets no press. It totally sucks.
Not only is the view obstructed by the top of the glass, but since rows 1 and 2 have to lean forward to see, views are obstructed by all the leaning even rows back.
The real question I'd like to know the answer to: What is the *point* of the plexiglass. A ball has no chance of reaching that level, and if it did, it would be moving so slowly as to have no chance of injuring anybody.
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