Via Jim Baumbach on The Final Score blog comes this article from the South Florida Sun-Sentinal in which Joe Torre blames Scott Proctor for his elbow injury.
"He wasn't afraid of anything," Torre said. "Very aggressive. Ability aside, the fact he was a good teammate was very important."
However, Torre said Proctor did himself no favors with his willingness to pitch when less than 100 percent.
"There's playing hurt, and then there's playing stupid," Torre said. "It doesn't have anything to do with someone's intelligence. If you can endure pain and still are able to do what you do, that's one thing."
..."He doesn't know what hurt is," Torre said. "The dumbest question I could ask him was: 'Are you OK?' Because I knew what the answer was going to be."
Well then.
It’s still Torre’s decision to bring in and eventually take out the reliever. If you think the pitcher has had enough, you take him out.
I bet you felt obliged to post this. LOL!
"The right-hander has been hurt about a month, but kept it from manager Joe Torre and the training staff. He has allowed 14 runs -- 11 earned -- over 8 2-3 innings over his last 11 appearances."
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