"Now, what is this site about, how Joe Torre ruined pitchers' arms? Is that it?"
-Michael Kay, August 18, 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cody Ransom is the best athlete on the team

That is if you believe Johnny Damon. Pete Caldera and Bryan Hoch both relayed that report this afternoon (they arrived in my Google Reader at the same time, so I will credit both). The quoted portion is from Hoch.

"If Alex couldn't go, we have a kid named Cody Ransom who is probably the best athlete on this team," Damon was saying. "He can throw, he's got power. No one can really do what Alex does, but we'd just have to switch around the lineup and move forward."

A few more questions followed, and Tyler Kepner of the Times brought the conversation back.

"Have you gone to YouTube yet?" Damon said. "And tell him to put you in a headlock."
Here is the YouTube video of Cody Ransom doing something remarkable:


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