"Now, what is this site about, how Joe Torre ruined pitchers' arms? Is that it?"
-Michael Kay, August 18, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The circus comes to town

Jane Heller has a hilarious write-up of what today could be like, calling it a circus. Of course, I'm referring to Alex Rodriguez's press conference.

ESPN, ESPNEWS, YES and SNY will all carry it live. I'm sure WFAN will too, so if you're at work and it's not blocked, you should be able to stream it.

Numerous sites will cover it live, and I've been invited to take part in Big League Stew's live blog of the game.

Rodriguez's teammates will be there, standing by their man. Hopefully Rodriguez is truthful and candid, though we know that's hard for him. We all want to see him answer the hardest of questions.

All less than stellar performance today will not give Rodriguez the free-pass with fans that many are expecting. To receive anything even close to that in my eyes, he needs to tell us the definitive truth.

Remember, the press conference will start at 1:30 p.m. ET. I'll hopefully be back with reaction soon after.


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