"Now, what is this site about, how Joe Torre ruined pitchers' arms? Is that it?"
-Michael Kay, August 18, 2009

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A-Rod opts for hybrid option

The "hybrid option" was mentioned in the previous post. It was such a good idea that Alex Rodriguez has decided to go ahead and go under the knife.

The arthroscopic hip surgery will cause him to miss six to nine weeks, and he will then need more surgery in the offseason.

The decision eliminates the option of Rodriguez treating the injury with rest and rehab and playing through the season without surgery. This operation will not completely correct the hip. More aggressive surgery would have sidelined Rodriguez three to four months.

"The surgery that will just repair the labrum tear right now would shorten his rehab," Cashman said. "Then following the conclusion of the season going in and repair the remaining aspects that need to be repaired."
I think this is the best way to handle this injury. Hopefully it'll be six weeks and not nine weeks, but at least it's not four months at this point.


nutballgazette said...

This post will sound cruel..And it is
I am not sure about this. Seems to me he will come back at about 75% and then need major surgery in the off season that will require about 6 to 9 month rehab, so that means he will be about 75% in 2010 while only playing in 60 to 100 games, then maybe in 2011 he will be 100% but as he grows older. I think the best he ever will do is about 80& of his past couple of years.
Prediction..'The Doctors" will find he has a degenerative Hip problem that will need Hip Replacement resulting in a whole lot of sympathy from some Yankee fans. He then will come back in 2011 and try to play like Bo Jackson which result in failure, but he will be able to bow out with some honor till it comes out that He used Steroids since he was in Jr High School and this was the cause of his Body Breakdown.

Andrew Fletcher said...

I'm going to take the optimistic route here, but I could understand why one would not be so positive in this situation. I want to believe that the more aggressive surgery will only be a three- or four-month rehab process.

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